Ok, so in the Mission President's Seminar they had one class that was entitled "the First 100 Days" We just got a copy of all of those sessions and I pulled that out to listen to it. I said to Jerry "We're way past that aren't we?" He looked at me and shook his head. I've always been bad at math, hahaha. It's just that if feels like we've always been here now and it's only been, idk, that would require math and I just know from his look it's not 100 days. Still doing lots of firsts. Like this last Saturday and tomorrow through this Saturday we have our first Zone Conferences. And, you wonder, did I speak at it for longer than 5 minutes? The answer to that is yes, three 40 minute classes, is my wonderful Spanglish. But they got it, good thing we teach with the help of the Holy Ghost, because seriously there is no other way I could teach about a new booklet coming out for forty minutes in Spanish without divine help. I so love the missionaries. I'll be fumbling along, for sure using the right verbs with the wrong conjugations, until I hit a wall and don't know the next word. When writing I have this handy translating app on my phone (which is aaaammmaaazing when studying everyday). But I can't really just stop the class and say, "un momento" while I look up the word. Lucky for me all I have to do is say "Elder, como se dice....." and one of our amazingly bilingual missionaries supplies the word, with the correct pronunciation, and off I go mangling the beautiful Spanish language some more. I start the session with excuse my poor Spanish and end with, thank you for your patience with my poor Spanish. Ah, it's a kick, and if I can give them a good laugh while they still learn the material, all the better.
So, some of you may know that I had a little side trip to Utah last week. about 6 days. Evidently I have finally worn out my second natural hip, and the Area Presidency thinks it better and faster to ship me to SLC for it. They don't mess around, Jerry came home at 4pm on a Tuesday night telling me that I was going. And he wasn't kidding, I was on a 10am flight on Wednesday and having a consult with the hip replacement specialist at intermountain healthcare on Thursday morning at 9:45. It was really good timing for some other reasons to be in SLC. Really another few milagros happened to me that few days. So I will be under the knife on Oct 14. The good news in all of it is that by waiting so long to have this done (yeah, my hip is popping out of the socket, guess it's time) they have a much better artificial hip than my other one. hahah, the doc said this one will move better than a normal healthy hip. Maybe I will take up gymnastics, I saw on the news the other night some 82 year old German woman competing in the senior olympics in gymnastics for the first time. You know I'm just kidding....sort of. While I was gone we got 19 new missionaries, 10 from the States and 9 from Mexico. I met my first one at the first zone conference. He is about 6'4 or 6'5 and has a poor bruised forehead. He keeps running into the tops of doorways because they are so low. We had a good laugh when he said he keeps thinking he's low enough, and then he's not. Through the coming week I will get to meet them all. I do know we have a new sister from Tijuana who loves basketball...perfect!!!
One other first was going to the doctor in Mexico today. It's a sweet deal here for just run of the mill ailments (sinus and ear infection) You just head down to your local pharmacy and the doc is next door, you don't pay her (yes so far I've met more female than male physicians here) she is paid by the pharmacy. She checks you out (yes I did this all by myself, in Spanish, yo se, yo jactare) then tells you about your prescription, then she slides it through a little door, you thank her and walk around to the front of the pharmacy and pick up your meds. They whole thing cost less than the cost of my co-pay for my doctor visits at home, and no appointment necessary. I'm also now the proud holder of a tarjeta discuenta (discount card) for the Ahorra chain of pharmacies. Totally tops CVS and RiteAid. This whole excursion from walking into the doc to walking out with the Rx took 20 mins. I'm a fan.
Well this is the first day of fall, officially and this is the first time I've seen the sun go down since we've been here. It is usually raining this time of night. I hope for the sake of the poor people in Acapulco that hurricane and rainy season are behind us. The destruction there is unbelieveable and evidently the same is true of the Gulf Coast city of Tampico. We're praying for the families that lost loved ones and for those that are homeless as well. We truly love the people here. They are so kind and warm and friendly. You need directions, tips on places to eat, where to get the best fruits and vegetables...it doesn't matter, just ask a person on the street and they will give you great advice. Never to busy to help someone out or even just to give an opinion. The missionaries are amazing, full of faith, hard at work, and smiles on their faces. It really is a privilege to be with them, and to share the Gospel with those that are prepared.
Janna (or Juana as my husband tells everyone my name is!)
CVS has got nothing on Farmacias del Ahorro, I'm official I have my own card
Yes, it was Mexican Independance Day last week and we know have a flag, that's pretty official too
Yes, I was in SLC, but it didn't feel like home, home is where the heart is and mine is definately in Mexico!
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